What To Do If You Get Hit by An Uninsured Driver

You might not want to think about it, but millions of drivers do not have insurance. If an uninsured driver hits you, it can lead to many financial and legal headaches. There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate the damages. Here are a few tips on how to handle an accident when an underinsured or uninsured driver hits your vehicle.


Insurance Is Mandatory

Almost all states require their drivers to have liability coverage. However, some drivers don’t buy insurance for their vehicles. In many circumstances, the at-fault driver’s insurance pays for the damage. However, it gets complicated when an uninsured driver hits your vehicle.


Your State’s Insurance Laws

Your specific state plays an important role in the insurance claim process. Some states are considered tort states, and others are known as no-fault states. Depending on where you live, you will have to take a specific course of action.

Twelve states in this country are considered no-fault states. In those states, you have to pay for damages regardless of which driver caused the accident. For those accidents in a tort state, the at-fault driver must pay for any damages. Whether they have insurance or not, they are responsible for the damage.

For those no-fault states, you can pay for damages and continue on your way. However, a tort state means that you have to deal with the uninsured driver who caused harm. This process can be a lengthy headache for you.


The Difference Between Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage

The Insurance Research Council estimates that about 12.6 percent of motorists are uninsured. For that reason, it is important to have uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage. Many states require drivers to have this coverage for their vehicles. When you have an uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist insurance coverage, it will protect you when a driver without any coverage hits you. This type of insurance covers property damage, car repairs, and medical bills.

You cannot carry more coverage than your insurance plan. For example, if you have $100,000 of liability coverage, then that is how much you can have for UM and UIM coverage. However, you will need to verify these details with your insurance company.

Make a Police Report

After you have determined the driver’s fault, you will need to report the accident to the police. Insurance companies are reluctant to pay out on claims with uninsured drivers. They want valid evidence that you were not the at-fault driver. When you have a police report, it can help validate your claim. Don’t expect the police to rush to your location. It does take time for an officer to show up, but it will be worth the hassle.

You will need to exchange information at the scene, but that is often not enough for an insurance company. In fact, you never know if the information was valid from the other driver. A police report is your protection against any false claims. With this report, you will know that the other driver’s insurance and information are accurate.


File Your Claim

Once you have a police report, it is time to think about filing an uninsured motorist claim with your insurance. Your insurance will pay for property damage and medical bills. However, they will only pay up to a certain coverage amount.

You also want to file a claim as soon as possible. In most cases, you might only have 30 days to file an underinsured or uninsured motorist claim. For those without UM protection, you can often file a claim under your collision coverage. However, your policy will not pay for expenses related to your medical costs.

You should know that many insurance companies are reluctant to settle on an uninsured motorist claim without evidence. For that reason, you want to have that police report and keep all your receipts related to the vehicle’s repair. It is crucial to keep a record of medical care from the accident. If you can prove the accident caused injuries and damage, it is more likely that the insurance company will pay for your claim.

Along with that, you want to gather evidence that the other party was uninsured. You should collect this information after the accident. The more evidence you can gather from the accident, the better chance your claim will be approved. However, your claim can be denied. In this case, you might want to hire an attorney to prove the other driver’s negligence.


Go To Small Claims Court

If an uninsured driver damages your vehicle, you must file an insurance claim with the police report. However, this step depends on your specific circumstances. An uninsured motorist claim might not pay enough to cover your medical costs or repair bills. At this point, filing a case in small claims court might be an option for you. In some cases, the uninsured driver might lack reliable income and assets. You will have to decide if you want to waste time and money with a court case.

Many experts advise that you press charges if you have a chance at winning the court case. However, if the other party does not have savings, income, or assets, you might not walk away with any money. If you have any doubts, you should talk with an attorney who has experience with auto accident lawsuits.

Find an Auto Body Shop Near Me

It can be a hassle when an uninsured or underinsured driver hits you. Whether they have insurance or not, you want to get your car back on the road. Once you have filed a claim, you can take your vehicle to a body shop for repairs. You want to find a professional auto body company that will restore your vehicle’s appearance.

At Elmer’s Auto Body, we can help with all your repair needs. Our team uses the latest repair techniques to fix your ride. We will make your car look as good as new. If you are ready for a consultation, please give us a call at (856) 218-0202.

What Is a Fender Bender, and How to Handle One?

When an accident occurs at a low speed, it is often considered a fender bender. The vehicles usually sustain most of the damage to the fenders. As a result, these vehicles need to visit a professional body shop for a fender repair. If you are worried about a fender bender, have no fear. Here are a few things you can do to manage the accident’s impact and get back on the road.


Causes Of Fender Benders

No matter the cause of a fender bender, you need to know how to handle these accidents. Fender benders can occur in a variety of ways. It is often the result of distracted driving. A sudden stop in traffic is the leading cause of most fender benders. Blindspots can also lead to an accident. For example, a driver backs out and collides with another car. These everyday situations can cause an accident.


How To Deal With A Fender Bender

Unfortunately, there is no standard way to deal with a fender bender. However, if you treat it like any other accident, you can move forward as quickly as possible. You can reduce your risk of a fender bender by avoiding any distractions, keeping your eyes on the road, and parking your car in a safe space. Despite all these precautions, a fender bender can happen at any time. When you know what to do in an accident, you can keep your composure to handle this stressful situation.


Steps To Follow After A Fender Bender

A fender bender can be a jarring experience. Here are a few things you should do to keep safe during this time.


Always Pull Over

After you have been hit, you want to stop your vehicle and flip on your hazard lights. It is a legal requirement in most states to stop after an accident. You should pull out of the driving lane and proceed to the shoulder or side of the road. If you have hit the car in front of you, make sure to follow the driver’s lead. For those hit from behind, signal to the other driver to follow your vehicle. You want to find a safe spot to exchange information and examine any damage. If you cannot move your car, stay in the vehicle and notify law enforcement.


Check On Driver And Passengers

Fender benders can cause injuries. You want to check on everyone involved in the accident. If there are injuries, do not move the person and immediately call 911. In some cases, you will not feel pain right away. However, after a few days, injuries in the neck and back can start to show up. You might even have issues with dizziness and soreness. It is important to visit your doctor after the accident. You want to get checked out by a professional within a day of the collision.


Call The Police

You want to call the police after a fender bender. Even if you cannot see any damage to your vehicle, it is vital to get the police involved. Filing a police report can help during the insurance claim process. Depending on the jurisdiction, fender benders will not warrant an immediate response from law enforcement.

Call The Police

Eyewitnesses Are Helpful

If anyone saw the fender bender, you want to get their information. With help from a witness, you can have an unbiased view of the accident, and it can settle disputes between the involved parties. It is vital to jot down the name, address, and phone number of these witnesses. When you have to deal with the insurance company, the claims adjuster usually requests this type of information.


Exchange Information

Before the police arrive, it is vital to write down the driver’s name, address, phone number, car description, license plate number, and insurance information. You want to quickly collect this information because some drivers might have a change of heart and refuse to cooperate. It is wise to ask for their driver’s license and insurance card to get their information. Try to gather as much information as possible.


Take Photos

Everyone has a camera on their smartphone. After the fender bender, you want to take photos of the damage. In most cases, the insurance company will ask for those photos to determine which driver was at fault for the accident. If possible, make sure to take a close-up picture of the road conditions and all the vehicles involved in the fender bender. When you have to deal with an insurance claim, you will be thankful for these pictures.


Take Photos


Call Your Insurance Company

It is crucial to call your insurance company and file a claim. You never want to handle repair costs with the other driver by yourself. In some cases, the driver can experience injuries after the accident. When that happens, you might be liable for any medical expenses. You always want to report these types of accidents to your insurance company.


Get Your Vehicle Repaired

Once you have submitted a claim, you can get your vehicle repaired. In some cases, the entire fender repair cost will be covered by the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, you want to verify your financial responsibility with your company. After that, make sure to take your car to a professional auto body shop. They will help repair your vehicle and make it look as good as new.


How To Prevent A Fender Bender

If you want to prevent an accident, you need to practice defensive driving. There are a few things that you can do to limit the chance of a fender bender, such as:

  • Pay attention to traffic signs.
  • Turn off your phone as you drive.
  • Avoid tailgating and keep a safe distance from other cars.
  • Drive slowly in snow, rain, and other inclement weather conditions.


Looking For An Auto Body Shop Near Me?

If you have been involved in an accident, you want to find the right shop for your vehicle. At Elmer’s Auto Body, we can handle a fender repair. Our team will get you back on the road. Need a fender repair near me? You can schedule a consultation for your vehicle by calling our shop at (856) 218-0202.

Elmer's Auto Body

Is My Car Totaled? How Insurers Determine Total Loss

Car accidents are incredibly stressful, especially if your car’s damage is significant. Many car owners worry if the insurance companies will total the vehicle. This information can help you determine whether an insurance company decides your car is a total loss or chooses to sign off on the repairs.


When Is a Car Considered Totaled?

If you are in a severe auto accident that causes extensive damage, your insurance company may decide to declare a total loss of the car. In other words, your car is “totaled.” When the car’s damage costs more to fix it than the car is worth, it is considered a total loss. However, that does not mean that the repairs will cost more than the vehicle’s actual value. With a totaled car, the insurance company has decided it is not worth the cost to repair it. Calculating the total loss value of a vehicle is not easy to determine, and those calculations may vary depending on the state and insurance company. You will want to know your vehicle’s value because it can help you negotiate a better payout for your accident claim. It can also help provide you with the correct information to determine if you are getting enough to pay off your car loan.

Insurance companies use many variables to determine the value of your car. Some of these factors include:

  • Vehicle type: High-end and classic cars are valued higher.
  • Age of vehicle: Newer cars have a higher value than older cars.
  • Condition of vehicle: Mileage, tire wear, interior, and other factors can have an impact on the value of your car.


If the insurance company determines that you may have contributed to the accident in any way, they could reduce the total loss value. This calculation varies by state. It is important to understand your state’s laws regarding contributory negligence. Insurance companies often use a percentage to determine whether the car is totaled. Most totaled cars have damage between 70 and 75 percent of the value. For example, if your vehicle is worth $10,000 and the cost to repair it is $7,000, the insurance company will likely total it. Here are some other things to take into consideration for your vehicle.


Older Models

The damage to a new car needs to be severe for it to be totaled. However, insurance companies will declare older vehicles as a total loss, and that can happen even if the damage appears minor. Insurance companies total older cars because they have a lower resale value than newer cars. It is often difficult to find replacement parts for older cars, and it may be expensive to install those parts. If your vehicle is totaled, the insurance company will pay you the car’s value before the accident. After an older car is deemed totaled, your vehicle will most likely be sent to an auto salvage yard. Some auto repair training schools might purchase wrecked vehicles for students to use for practice.

Old Model Luxury Car

Actual Cash Value

You might have heard about the term “actual cash value.” If you could sell your vehicle before the accident, the actual cash value is what you would receive for the car. Most traditional car insurance policies cover vehicles using a formula to determine the real cash value. As mentioned, if the repairs cost more than a specific percentage of your car, it might not be worth fixing your vehicle. However, there are some exceptions to the rule. Many classic cars can avoid being deemed totaled. You also might not face a complete loss if you have additional coverage on your vehicle, such as gap insurance.


Determining Your Vehicle’s Value

There are some things that your insurance company will use to determine the actual value of your vehicle. Your car’s total loss is determined according to its year, make, model, physical wear and tear, mileage, and damage caused by your accident. If your vehicle is in excellent condition, it will have a higher actual value than an older and worn out car. However, you need to keep in mind that vehicles can quickly depreciate. Even those minor accidents can cause insurance companies to declare your car to be a total loss.


Checking the Value

Insurance companies use their proprietary software to calculate your vehicle’s actual cash value after an accident. Unfortunately, you cannot use their software to determine your vehicle’s value. However, there are a few ways you can get an idea about your car’s value. If you have been involved in an accident, you can determine how much your vehicle is worth. Write down the year, make and model of your car, and the mileage at the time of the accident. You can then look up your vehicle’s value through various websites, like the Kelley Blue Book, National Automobile Dealer’s Association, or Edmunds. It is recommended that you check all of these sources to get an average value as they may all provide different information. There is a word of caution. Many claims adjusters will tell you that insurance companies do not pay claims based on the Kelley Blue Book values.

You might also want to check out the classified ads to see car prices in your area. The quality, model, and features of similar vehicles can help you determine your car’s value, and you can use it as a base for your insurance negotiations. These resources will only provide a ballpark figure. You don’t want to get your heart set on these estimated values.

Vehicle Inspection

Make Sure Your Upgrades Are Counted

If you have made any recent repairs to your car, you will want to provide receipts to calculate your replacement costs. A new transmission or engine can make a difference in the amount of payout money from your insurance company. Add the value of any options included in your car, such as high-quality speaker systems or custom paint accents, to the average you determined in your research. This should give you a value close to what the insurance company will offer. If you have aftermarket options on your vehicle, be sure to inform the insurance company before they provide you with the value they intend to pay. For any of those upgrades, you must keep track of your receipts. These upgrades can make a difference in keeping your vehicle safe from being declared a total loss.

Avoiding Issues With Your Insurance

There are a few words of caution when dealing with an insurance company. It is not uncommon for many car owners to receive a total loss payout check less than the total of your car loan amount. These situations can occur in several different ways. For example, your car can depreciate faster than the rate you are paying down for your loan. Your car loan might also be extended with lower rates, or you have wrapped your prior auto loan into the vehicle’s current loans. If you have included any extras like taxes, title fees, and extended warranties into your loan, you might still owe money after an insurance payout. Finally, those little or no down payment auto loans can cause you to take a loss when your vehicle is declared totaled.


You Can Avoid Some Shortfalls

For those financed cars that have been totaled, your insurance company will likely make a claim check payable to you and your lender. You will have to agree with your lender on how to release that insurance money. In most cases, the lender will be reimbursed first, and any remaining money will be released to you.

If you want to avoid owing money on your totaled car, there are a few things that you can do to prevent this scenario. You should think about collision or comprehensive coverage. These coverage plans can help pay to replace a totaled vehicle. For many owners who are leasing or financing their cars, these two separate coverages are required on your car insurance policy. If your car is already paid off, then these policies are optional. However, if your vehicle is totaled without these coverage plans, then you may have to pay out of pocket to purchase a replacement vehicle.

Gap insurance will also make up for the difference between your car’s actual total value and the amount you owe on the vehicle. With new car replacement coverage, you can avoid these monetary shortfalls. All these measures can help you to combat any issues with depreciation. You might also want to pay down as much as possible on your loan, warranties, title fees, and taxes.

Signing Paperwork

Is My Car Totaled?

Those who have been involved in an accident are probably worried about their vehicles. In the worst-case scenario, your car will be deemed totaled by the insurance company. If your car has been in an accident, contact Elmer’s Auto Body today to arrange for a no-obligation consultation. With the latest technology, we can help get your vehicle back to its original condition. Need an auto body shop near me? Make sure to reach out to us. Please give us a call at (856) 218-0202.

Understanding Auto Body Shop Certifications

When it comes time for a vehicle repair, you want to find a shop equipped to handle your specific make and model. From oil changes to frame repairs, vehicles can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Auto body shops often obtain different certifications to work on these vehicles. These certifications let consumers know that the shop can fix their vehicle. Here are a few things to help you understand these certifications.


Certification Basics

Many professional auto body repair shops require their technicians to earn specific certifications. The technicians must take professional training and meet particular requirements to be certified. There are several certifications that technicians can earn in the auto repair industry. Vehicle makers have their own set of special certifications as well. If the technician holds a specific manufacturer designation, they have been trained to understand the vehicle maker’s latest standards.

Auto body repair shops can also obtain certifications, like the I-CAR Gold Class designation. This certification is the highest training achievement in the collision repair industry. With this certification, the collision repair shop must train its technicians on a yearly basis. The shop also has highly skilled experts in four key collision roles: damage estimator, steel structural technician, non-structural technician, and refinish technician.


Professional Certifications

If you want to have your vehicle repaired by top-quality technicians, choose a shop with these major certifications. These qualifications let you know that the shop can work on your vehicle and complete repairs to the highest standards.

Assured Performance Certification

One of the top auto body shop designations is the Assured Performance certification. The Assured Performance Network sets the bar for the entire automotive collision repair industry. For an auto body shop, an Assured Performance certification is a major credential. Since Assured Performance is associated with high standards and excellence, this certification requires body shops to go to great lengths to achieve this designation. Many auto body shops will advertise that they are part of the Assured Performance Network.

Less than 10 percent of all auto body shops meet the requirements to be Assured Performance certified. These shops must pass all the requirements established by specific auto manufacturers. They also must pass an annual on-site inspection and audit. During the audit, the certified shops must have the proper training, equipment, tools, and facilities to handle all types of collision repairs. As a result, consumers can be assured that the repairs are completed using the latest technology and materials.

I-CAR Certification

I-CAR is known as the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair. This is a non-profit organization that trains mechanics in different practices. I-CAR believes that everyone in the

collision industry needs essential skills to complete a safe repair. With this certification, you can be confident that your vehicle is in safe and capable hands.

I-CAR certification is another gold standard for an auto body shop. Along with the certificates, I-CAR also offers classes, resources, and training activities. The highest recognition is known as the Gold Class certification. With this certification, you can identify those technicians who have been trained on the latest technology, repair methods, and vehicle models. Only 20 percent of auto body shops have the Gold Class certification.

OEM/Manufacturer Certification

With a manufacturer certification, the auto body shop can display different manufacturers’ logos, such as Ford, Chevrolet, or Tesla. Some manufacturers, like Tesla, have stringent requirements for their certifications. If you find a shop with this certification, they have met the highest training and excellence levels.

The manufacturer also approves OEM certifications. OEM stands for an original equipment manufacturer. You might think that you need to go to the dealership for quality work, but if your shop is OEM certified, they have the credentials to work on that specific brand of vehicle. They also have OEM factory-approved parts and understand the procedures to install those components.

The Better Business Bureau

You also want to look for the Better Business Bureau certification. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) uses their code of ethics, consumer reviews, business responses, and other programs to rate businesses in the community. Customers can see this public information for most businesses. An excellent BBB rating means that the shop has met stringent standards. The BBB considers the shop’s positive and negative reports, its response time and quality, and other factors when making a rating. If the business is deemed trustworthy, they are allowed to display a BBB rating badge alongside their business logo. As a result, many customers tend to associate a BBB rating with high-quality services.


Choose The Right Shop

When it is time to choose the right shop for your vehicle repair, there are a few things to consider, such as:

  • Reviews: You want to read reviews from real customers. These reviews can tell you what you can expect from a particular shop.
  • Services: Before you bring in your vehicle, you want to see what services are provided by the auto body shop.
  • Certifications: Many auto body shops are proud of their certificates, and they will showcase these industry standards. You want to find a shop that specializes in repairing your particular make and model.


Elmer’s Auto Body Offers High-Quality Work

If you are looking for the best auto body repair work, make sure to choose Elmer’s Auto Body. We have a team of certified professionals. Our technicians can repair a wide variety of models, including Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda, Nissan, Subaru, and more. Along with that, we have Assured Performance and I-CAR Gold Class certifications.

Our team can help with:


Find A Qualified Auto Body Shop Near Me

If you are ready to let a highly qualified team handle your repairs, make sure to reach out to us. Elmer’s Auto Body has experience repairing a wide range of vehicles. You can count on us to get your car back on the road. We will restore your car’s appearance and functionality. You can schedule a consultation by calling the office at (856) 218-0202.

What to Do After an Accident

When you have been involved in a car accident, it can be frightening, stressful, and confusing. Your adrenaline is rushing, and your brain is still trying to figure out what to do next. You need to do a few key things to ensure you and others are protected. There are many ways to avoid a car accident. However, once it happens, you need to know what to do and what questions to ask for your insurance claim. These tips offer you sound advice to keep you and your passengers safe as you manage the accident scene.


What To Do After a Car Accident?

If you are involved in an accident, you have a legal obligation to stop. Even if there is not any damage, you will need to pull over to inspect your car. Never drive away from the scene of an accident. If you are involved in a hit and run, you can be in trouble with law enforcement authorities by driving away. It is also important to never admit responsibility for the accident. Your insurance adjuster will investigate the accident and determine the fault. Since your insurance policy is a contract, your car insurance company does not want you to assume responsibility or liability under any circumstances.


Determine the Extent of Injuries or Damages

For those accidents with other cars or pedestrians, you need to check if anyone needs immediate medical care. You never want to move anyone from a car unless there is a chance the vehicle will catch on fire. It is better to wait for emergency personnel. You can stay with the accident victim until help arrives. Make sure you stay on the phone with emergency services and help direct them to the individuals who might need assistance. If the crash is severe, you might want to wait for the police or emergency services to come to the scene before you move any vehicles.

Car Damage

Move Away from Traffic

Once you have determined that everyone is safe, you might want to get away from the flow of traffic. If possible, you should move the cars to the shoulder or side of the road. If you cannot drive your vehicle, at least get yourself out of the traffic flow by exiting the car and moving to the side of the road. It is not unusual for secondary accidents to occur when disabled vehicles are blocking traffic. Unless someone needs immediate help, you should wait to make any phone calls until you are safely away from moving vehicles.


Contact Emergency Services

Even in a minor accident, you want to contact the police to get an official legal accident report. These official documents will be important when you need to make a claim with your insurance company. As soon as you are safely out of traffic, call 911 to get emergency services on the way. Don’t try to direct or block traffic as the authorities will take care of that when they arrive. The dispatcher will send EMS, police, and fire vehicles to deal with the crash scene. Although police may not determine fault at the scene, they will document everything and put it in a police report that can be turned over to your insurance company.


Limit Your Conversation With the Other Drivers

Since you do not want to admit any fault or liability, you need to limit your discussion of the accident. You should only talk about the accident to medical professionals, police, and your insurance representatives.

Medical Professionals and Police

Collect Information

If another driver is involved in the collision, you must provide them with your insurance information. They must also provide you with their insurance. Before an accident, it is helpful to know what your insurance will cover should one occur with your vehicle. Some insurance companies have tow truck preferences, and you may need to reach out to them before calling a tow truck. Most insurance companies have 24-hour claims departments too. No matter what time of day or night the accident happens, you may be able to speak to someone at your insurance company.


Beware Of Unsolicited Towing Services

In some areas, tow trucks may appear at the scene before you have called your insurance’s preferred company. If this should happen, be careful as unscrupulous tow truck companies seek out car accidents to charge exorbitant fees. If you don’t recognize the company, inform them that you have already called a tow truck and thank them for their time. When your tow truck does arrive, ask them what the tow will cost and where they are taking your car. You will also want to know if there are fees to store your vehicle as you work through the insurance red tape. Request that they provide you with a receipt that indicates where the car will go and the tow costs. Once everything has been finalized, request a copy of an invoice to be sure you were charged properly.


Get All The Necessary Information

With the stress of a car accident, you need to understand what to do after a car crash. It is essential to get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all those involved in the accident. You should note the description of the car and the license plate number for your records. However, the most important information is the insurance company information and the other car’s vehicle identification number. In most cases, the license plate numbers are not sufficient as insurance companies record the policy to the vehicle identification number.

Car Information

Car Accident Information Checklist

If you want to file a proper insurance claim, you need to collect a little information about the incident, such as:

  • Details about the accident
  • Driver’s contact information
  • Insurance policy details


Along with that, there are some other pieces of information that you need after a car crash.


Car Accident Form

If you want to be prepared for a car accident, then you may want to get an accident form from your local police station or DMV. Every state has a different format, and it is a good idea to take down as much information as possible. With these forms, you will be able to collect all the important information you need to make an insurance claim.


Ask for the Other Driver’s Information

You don’t want to talk about the accident with the other driver, but you can get their information for your records. You need the driver’s name, address, phone number, and additional contact information. The other driver’s insurance information is extremely important. In addition to their contact details, you should look at their insurance card. You will want to ask for the insurance company name and policy number. It is a good idea to write down the insurance company’s contact information.


Gather All the Details

After an accident, you need to record the description, make, model, and year of all the vehicles involved in an accident. You should note the date and time of the accident and the crash’s approximate address. Your notes should be as detailed as possible, and you will want to make notes of the direction of travel, a brief description of the accident, and the road conditions. Along with that, make sure to grab the witnesses’ names and contact information. Once a law enforcement official has arrived on the scene, you should ask for the name, badge number, and contact information of the responding officer.


Take Pictures of the Scene

Since many people have access to cameras on their mobile phones, you may want to consider taking photos. Many insurance companies have apps or emails where you can send those photos. These pictures can help you document any property damage, the cars’ position, the street addresses, and other pertinent information for your claim.

Contact Your Insurance Company

You have a lot of information to collect after an accident. Once you have made a police report, documented the scene, and collected the other driver’s information, you can call your insurance company. If there are no injuries, you may be able to contact the claims department from the scene. In some cases, a police officer might be able to talk to your insurance company and give more accurate information about the scene. However, you never want to rely on others to help with your claim.


Find an Auto Body Shop Near Me

It can be traumatizing to be involved in a car accident. First and foremost, you want to make sure everyone is safe after a vehicle crash. Once that has happened, you can start to collect information for your claim. Your insurance company will want you to get a professional inspection of your vehicle. After that has been completed, you will be able to have repairs completed at an experienced auto body shop.

At Elmer’s Auto Body, we can conduct an inspection and help bring your car back to its original condition. Our teams will use the latest technology to make your vehicle shine. If you want to schedule an appointment, give our office a call at (856) 218-0202.

What are the differences between OEM parts and aftermarket parts?

When something goes wrong with your car, a visit to the garage can be an expensive trip. Car parts are costly. If several things need to be replaced to get your vehicle back on the road, the cost can seem almost as high as when you purchased your car. In an effort to keep costs down, some repair locations will use aftermarket parts rather than original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. Before attempting to save money using aftermarket parts, there are some facts you need to know.


Original Car Parts vs Aftermarket

When you bring your car in for repairs at the dealership, you are more than likely to have original equipment manufacturer car parts installed in the vehicle. However, if you take your car to an independent auto body shop, they will use aftermarket parts for your vehicle. Like any car owner, you want to save some money on your repair bills. There are some benefits to selecting aftermarket parts for your car. In certain situations, you should add OEM parts to your vehicle. If you want to make an informed decision, you need to know the pros and cons of these specific parts. With this information, you can find a balance between quality and cost.


What Does Aftermarket Mean?

An aftermarket part is any part for a vehicle that was not sourced from the car’s original maker. Car manufacturers often contract with specific companies to build certain parts for your vehicle. In most cases, these aftermarket parts are produced in separate factories, and the companies often provide better quality components than the original products. These aftermarket parts are chosen because they provide the best fit for your vehicle. In addition to that, these parts have the same specifications that the manufacturer requires for their cars. If you use these direct replacement parts, they will not void your car’s warranty. It is estimated that about 80 percent of independent body repair shops will use aftermarket components. The other bright spot is that aftermarket parts are often less expensive than OEM products. For that reason, many repair businesses choose to use them for vehicle repairs.

Aftermarket Parts

Benefits of Aftermarket Parts

Aftermarket parts do have some benefits. Of course, the most obvious advantage is that they are less expensive than OEM products. In some cases, they may be significantly cheaper. However, the price will depend on the specific part or brand. Since the original part must come from the vehicle’s manufacturer, there are also more versions of aftermarket parts than OEM components. You can always shop around for the best price. If you want to be a savvy shopper, you might want to avoid those extremely low-priced parts. In some cases, the prices are too good to be true, and you should question the quality of those components.

Aftermarket parts often have an equal or greater quality than OEM products. In many cases, your repaired vehicle may have better parts than those original components. The manufacturers of aftermarket parts reverse-engineer these products, and they will work out any weaknesses of the parts. If you want to strike a balance between durability, noise level, cost, and performance, you might want to choose an aftermarket part. When you purchase an aftermarket part, you can find a product that provides you with all those qualities.

Along with that, you have a wide variety of choices with aftermarket parts. Some manufacturers specialize in specific parts, such as brake pads or spark plugs. You can also find many aftermarket companies that manufacture a wide selection of components for your car. In turn, you have a greater selection and a broader range of prices for your vehicle’s repair needs.

Finally, there is better availability with aftermarket parts. For the most part, you can walk into any gas station, local mechanic shop, or auto parts store and find a part that will fit your vehicle. If you need a specific part, it is readily available to install or repair that day. When you need an OEM product, you might have to wait a few days when you special order the part. If your vehicle is older, it may be challenging to find the correct OEM part you need. In that case, you will have to rely on aftermarket parts.


Some Concerns for Aftermarket Parts

As you can tell, there are plenty of benefits for aftermarket parts. However, a few things should be taken into consideration. Since many different manufacturers build the parts, the quality can vary. Some aftermarket parts are considered inferior because they use low-quality materials. You want to choose aftermarket brands that are known for their quality. If you are worried about choosing the right part, make sure to ask your trusted auto body shop for some recommendations.

With aftermarket parts, there is a large selection of products. However, with all these choices, the selection process can be overwhelming for many people. You might even run into the chance of purchasing a bad quality part for your vehicle. Several companies can manufacture a simple spark plug, but they are designed with numerous variations. If you are confused by these choices, make sure to consult your mechanic for advice.

Finally, while many aftermarket parts will not void your vehicle’s warranty, these parts might not have a guarantee attached to them. Some manufacturers sell aftermarket parts without a warranty. However, this is not always the norm for manufacturers. Many of these companies often have some type of warranty for their parts.

What Are OEM Parts?

Original equipment manufacturer parts are made directly by the original car manufacturer and not a third party. The manufacturers design these parts to fit the car’s particular make and model specifications. In many cases, these parts roll off the same assembly line as your vehicle. These parts will be a perfect match for your car. If you take your vehicle to a dealership, the repair department will use these products.


Benefits of OEM Parts

One of the most significant benefits of OEM products is quality. Quality can suffer from a larger selection of replacement parts. However, these original equipment manufacturer parts work precisely like the ones you are replacing. You will have some peace of mind with the replacement part’s performance. Aftermarket parts are often low quality, and there can be issues with their fit. In turn, those issues can cause additional problems in the future. You might have to spend more money on additional replacement parts over time.

These original parts make it easier to choose the right product for your car. You never have to worry about selecting the correct part for the vehicle. Finally, most automakers will back up their parts with a limited warranty. Original manufacturer parts also stand by any labor associated with their products.


Certain Issues To Avoid

Like aftermarket parts, there are some issues with these replacement parts. OEM products do have a higher price tag than their aftermarket counterparts. You also need to purchase these parts directly from the dealership. In turn, this can limit the places where you can buy these products. If you request these parts from a local auto body shop, it may take longer to get your vehicle repaired.

In some cases, these parts might not be superior to those aftermarket components. Aftermarket products have worked out any problems, and their quality is often better than these original equipment manufacturer parts. You might be paying extra for the name on the box.

Break Maintenance

What Should You Choose?

If you want a part that is guaranteed to fit your car, you need to choose an OEM product. Not all aftermarket parts are created equal, but you can count on the original equipment manufacturer’s precise fit. However, this does have some advantages and disadvantages. Aftermarket parts save you some money on your repairs, especially if you know what parts you need and trust their quality. If you are not familiar with these aftermarket brands, you may want to stick to those original products. Some people do not mind paying for that extra peace of mind.


Find an Auto Body Shop Near Me

When it comes to replacing parts in your vehicle, OEM components are usually the best option. At Elmer’s Auto Body, we try to use OEM products whenever possible to complete your vehicle’s repairs. If you are having problems with your car, schedule an appointment today by giving the office a call at (856) 218-0202.