The 10 Most Expensive Car Repairs

In an era where most people don’t even have $400 saved up for an emergency, it is natural that the thought of car repairs conjures up nothing but anxiety. Most people have encountered those jaw-dropping expensive car repairs and get set back financially. Some car parts are far more pricier than others, though. Knowing the general cost of repairs, as well as some ways to keep your car maintained to save you from shelling out wads of cash, can help you in the long run.

Here are the 10 most expensive car repairs to keep in mind:

1. Transmission

Estimated Cost: $1,000-$4,000

Here is one tip from Elmer’s Auto Body: If you find a car for sale that has a too good to be true price, there is a high chance that transmission is blown. You can’t have a car without a transmission, since it is the part that transmits the power from the vehicle’s engine to the wheels. Usually, the transmission is durable and has a long lifespan, but it will wear out more quickly from stress and rough gear changes. Poor maintenance and neglect, such as infrequent transmission fluid changes, will damage the system, as well.

Signs your transmission needs to be repaired or replaced include a dragging clutch, humming noises, burning scent, and slipping gears. If you notice these signs, take your vehicle to an auto body as soon as you can.

2. Clutch Assembly Replacement

Estimated Cost: $1,000-$1,500

If you drive a manual vehicle, you might end up needing to replace your clutch assembly. Of course, as with most mechanical issues, you will have a fair amount of warning beforehand. There will be a spongy feeling, as well as difficulty switching gears, a burning scent, and a higher biting point. To prolong the life of your clutch, you can avoid riding it and ensure your vehicle is properly maintained.

3. Camshaft

Estimated Cost: $1,500-$3,000

Essential to any kind of vehicle, a camshaft is used for air intake. Throughout the years, camshafts can get dirty and clogged up with all kinds of debris from the road. It needs to be cleaned regularly during valve maintenance and oil changes. If the camshaft is ignored, it will break and cost you upwards of $1,500 easily. The high cost of repairs is less due to the price of the part and more due to labor.

Want to avoid needing a replacement camshaft? Keep up with car maintenance. And if the check engine light comes on, don’t overlook it. That could be a sign that something is wrong with your camshaft.

4. Engine Control Module (ECM) Replacement

Estimated Cost: $1,000-$1,500

What is ECM? It is a tiny little console with a circuit board and a few transistors that monitors the sensors throughout the engine bay, regulates emission controls, and also manages the air-fuel mix. As you can imagine, it’s a high-tech piece of equipment—and it costs enough to remind you of that. For the same price as a top of the line laptop, the ECM is one of the most expensive repairs and is not something you can replace yourself either.

5. Hybrid Car Battery

Estimated Cost: $6,000 or more

Though hybrid cars are revolutionizing the motor vehicle industry, there is no denying that the batteries used are incredibly expensive. To replace a faulty hybrid car battery will cost you at least $6,000. Like a smartphone battery, a hybrid car battery will gradually lose its ability to hold onto a full charge. Even today, most hybrid car batteries die in about 10 years of use. On top of replacing the battery, you will also have to replace the computer system, adding to the price tag.

6. Catalytic Converter

Estimated Cost: $1,500-$2,000

The price of a catalytic converter is based almost 90% on the price of the part alone. While labor doesn’t account for much. So why are catalytic converters so expensive? These pieces were invented to help develop vehicles that were more environmentally-friendly. The eye-popping price tag is because these parts contain metals like palladium, rhodium, and gold.

Typically, you should never have to worry about the catalytic converter burning out before other components of the car. But, it is susceptible to damages. For example, just going over a speed bump at a reckless speed can damage the catalytic converter. Burning engine oil or running the incorrect fuel additives or oil also negatively impacts the cat.

7. Head Gasket

Estimated Cost: $1,000-$2,000

The part alone costs between $400-$900, depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Then, you have to account for the 15-24 hours of required labor to install the replacement head gasket.

When a head gasket blows, oil and coolant are sprayed everywhere, and a menacing smoke billows up from the exhaust and engine. The engine that proceeds to overheat. It creates an absolute mess, and as you can imagine, a lot of clean up is needed.

8. Suspension

Estimated Cost: $2,500-$3,500

Suspension is necessary. Without it, you would feel every little bump and pothole in the road. Your car’s suspension is made up of multiple pieces: springs, shocks, struts, tie rods and control arms. Sometimes, a single part will break and require replacement. That won’t cost as much as a whole suspension replacement or a total overhaul.

Although suspension replacement prices range between $1,000-$5,000, consider the estimated cost as the midpoint. Make and model do influence the price of suspension greatly, as well as the severity of the damages and overall condition of the vehicle. Expect a higher cost for luxury or exotic vehicles.

9. Airbags

Estimated Cost: $2,500-$4,000

There’s no questioning it: airbags are one of the most essential inventions humanity has ever created. Once airbags deploy, they save lives. But, after that deployment, you can’t simply stuff the airbag back from where it came and reuse it again. Airbags have to be replaced, and the steering wheel or glove compartment that the airbag bursts out from will also need to be repaired. That is why the cost is so high.

10. Engine Cylinders

Estimated Cost: $7,000-$10,000

Plenty of things can happen to your engine and the cylinders. If the cylinders are the cause of the engine’s malfunction, then your vehicle is basically useless. The reason the cost of repairing engine cylinders is so steep is because the mechanic needs to take the entire engine apart. This is extremely labor-intensive. In most cases, repairing engine cylinders is more expensive than purchasing a brand new engine. Some people will forego that as well and just purchase a new car. After all, you can get a used vehicle for $10,000.

Bottom Line

One thing you should realize from this list is that most car parts will wear out eventually, but most pricey repairs can be avoided if you commit to routine maintenance. If you don’t want to pay thousands of dollars for repairs, bring your vehicle to a trusted auto body shop.

Elmer’s Auto Body is your go-to auto body shop. We have a number of on-demand services for fast repairs, as well as certified technicians. We only use OEM parts for repairs, so your cat really will be good as new. If you need repairs and replacements, don’t wait. Call us or contact us today by filling out the contact form.

How Important Is An Air Bag To Car’s Safety?

When you are driving your car, you are probably not thinking about all the ways it can protect you in a car accident. Increasing speeds and more cars on the road have led to manufacturers coming up with more innovative ways of protecting you in the event of an accident. From materials that crumple, transferring momentum, to seat belts, there are dozens of safety features crammed into your vehicle. Yet, the airbag remains a feature in question. Is the airbag really that important? Or is it an uneasy feature?

Today, we’re going to explore how important an airbag is to a vehicle’s safety rating.

History of The Airbag

Airbags have been around for a long while, though the designs have been revised throughout the years. It is believed the first airbag designed for a vehicle was created in 1941, but it wasn’t until August 18, 1953, that American inventor John W. Hetrick received credit for his work. That same year, German engineer Walter Linderer received a patent for his work on the airbag.

Both Hetrick and Linderer’s model ran on a compressed air system that were released from the bumper or by the driver. However, in 1960, such airbags were deemed ineffective and impractical.

In 1967, Allen K. Breed brought about a breakthrough in modern-day airbags. He established a mechanically based ball inside a tube for crash detection that allowed for airbag deployment in less than 30 milliseconds. Sodium azide was used for airbag deployment.

During the early years of the 1970s, Ford experimented with airbags while General Motors fitted government-only vehicles with the technology. It wasn’t until 1973 that airbags were available to the masses.

Structure of an Airbag

There are many kinds of airbags—side airbags, curtain airbags, center airbags, and even seat cushion airbags—that are designed to prevent jostling and other major injuries to the most vulnerable parts of your body.

Most airbags followed the same design: cushion, inflator, and propellant.

  • Cushion – The airbag itself is made of nylon and coated with cornstarch or talcum powder. The powder prevents the fabric from sticking together during inflation. In some newer car models, the nylon has been replaced with silicone and urethane. The combination is stronger than nylon and doesn’t require any coatings to shield you from heat burns.
  • Inflator – Made of either stainless steel or cast aluminum, the inflator contains a filter of ceramic and steel wire that limits propellant contamination.
  • Propellant – This is how the airbag transforms from folded fabric to a massive balloon. The propellant is located within the inflator and is a solution of sodium azide and oxidizer. Combined, it forms nitrogen gas.

How Do Airbags Work?

The airbag is controlled by the ACU, a tiny crash sensor that also monitors things like brake pressure and speed. If the sensor hits a certain number, the system deploys the airbag. The impulse from the crash sensor transfers to the airbag’s inflator, which releases the propellant, producing nitrogen. This inflates the airbag at a speed of 186 mph (300 km/h).

The airbag prevents your body from hitting things that could cause fatal damage, such as the windshield, the sidewall, or the steering wheel.

But are airbags important? Consider Newton’s First Law of Motion, which says that an object in motion stays in motion unless a force of equal or opposite velocity interacts with it. When you are in a vehicle, you are not sitting still—you’re moving at the same speed as the car itself. So, when you get into an accident, the car (and you) decelerates rapidly. Your body and brain will want to stay in motion. If this momentum isn’t stopped, your brain will slam into your skull, resulting in brain damage. Or, your chest wall could collapse against the steering wheel, impacting your heart, lungs, or other organs.

Studies About Airbags

This raises a question: Are airbags as effective as seat belts in stopping forward motion in an accident? Or do they need to go hand-in-hand with seat belts?

There are several studies to consider. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), between 1987 to 2017, airbags saved 50,457 people. Furthermore, airbags lower the severity of head injuries.

Of course, we can’t overlook that some people have been severely injured or even killed by airbag deployment, particularly at lower speeds. One study from 2005 found that, when not wearing seat belts, occupants involved in accidents at low speeds have an increased incidence of death by airbag—about 4 times higher. This is particularly true for small children and petite women.

Now, some people might assume that this directly contradicts the idea of safety. However, you have to look at the conditions. Most deaths happen when people are not wearing their seat belts. In other words, the effectiveness of airbags is directly correlated to the effectiveness of your seat belt. No seat belt, less momentum control.

This was detailed in a 2016 crash test on Indian car models. Only one of the cars (Renault KWID III) had a driver airbag, and it was one of the few that actually had a green rating for protecting the driver’s skull.

How Important Is An Airbag To Car’s Safety?

These days, almost every vehicle is fitted with airbags, so knowing how they work and how to ensure you and your passengers’ safety is crucial. You know now that airbags work in conjunction to seat belts to dispel the shock of an impact in a motor vehicle collision. Without airbags, seat belts could save your life, but you still could get severe injuries. With an airbag and seat belt, your risk of injury or death is significantly reduced. Therefore, airbags are important to safety but are only optimized by using your seat belt, too.

Elmer’s Auto Body can help keep your car safe throughout the years with expert maintenance solutions and collision repairs. For more information on our services, contact us by filling out the contact form or giving us a call.

Why Should I Get a Post-Repair Inspection?

You can never be too sure about the quality of repairs. Insurance companies breathe down the necks of mechanics to rush automobile repairs after a collision. Such repairs usually involve things like fixing the body, the safety systems, computerized pieces, and even the paint. As you can imagine, when such repairs are done swiftly, there may be some things that are overlooked.

That is precisely why you need to ask for a post-repair inspection. Elmer’s Auto Body ensures that a post-repair inspection is part of the collision repair for a few reasons. Today, we’re going to explain why.


What Is A Post-Repair Inspection?

A post-repair inspection is performed by a third-party after repairs are completed. Such a service is meant to examine the quality of the collision repairs that had been performed on your vehicle. The inspector ensures that the mechanic followed manufacturer guidelines during repairs so that the vehicle meets safety standards.


Why Should I Get A Post-Repair Inspection?

Post-repair inspections are fundamental to your safety. Consider it a second layer of certainty that your vehicle is ready to return to the road. You should also have a post-repair inspection if:

  • You want to confirm that the automobile was properly repaired and can be safely driven
  • You are unsure about the quality of work
  • You notice the vehicle is not operating as it once had before the collision or repairs, or the appearance is different
  • You are required to request an appraisal for the diminished value

In other words, a post-repair inspection is meant to protect you from any improper repairs that may have compromised the vehicle’s structural integrity or reduced resale value. Some industry studies estimate that nearly 60% of all “repaired” vehicles currently on the road actually have structural vulnerabilities and other safety concerns.

If you recently had collision repairs done, don’t wait a second longer to book a post-repair inspection with a trusted auto body shop.


Diminished Value Claims

Most people will have a post-repair inspection done when they want to get an appraisal for Diminished Value. After collision repairs, the fact that you had an accident may affect the value of the vehicle. Sometimes, the value will drop if aftermarket parts were utilized or if the repairs were not completed according to the manufacturer’s standards.

You never have to worry about this at Elmer’s Auto Body. We use OEM parts exclusively, and all of our technicians are highly skilled.


Influence of Direct Repair Program (DRP)

Some repair shops are partnered with insurance companies, which is otherwise known as a DRP, or Direct Repair Program. This means that the insurance agency has a preferred auto body shop where claimants are sent to have repairs done at a lower cost. Yet, the lower cost comes as the result of non-OEM parts or lower-quality workmanship. DRP usually results in Diminished Value.

Getting a post-repair inspection can help you determine whether the right kind of parts was used.


What Happens During A Post-Repair Inspection?

When you bring your vehicle to an auto body shop to be inspected, there are several steps the technician doing the inspection will follow to verify the quality of repairs.

Here are the steps involved in a post-repair inspection:

  • The auto body shop that is doing your post-repair inspection will need a copy of the estimate provided by your car insurance agency. They will also need the collision repair estimate from the other auto body shop. During the inspection, the information is compared to the vehicle in front of them.
  • The auto body specialist then assesses the quality of the replacement parts and repairs.
  • Afterward, the inspector looks at the vehicle panel-by-panel to see if all the auto body parts are lining up.
  • They grab a paint thickness meter to see if the paint was properly applied. The finish is checked for evenness, as well.
  • Heading inside the vehicle, the specialist removes panels and interior carpeting to see any repair that may have been hidden. There are specific things they are looking for, such as rust protection, alignment, and welding work.
  • If there are any problems that are found during the post-repair inspection, the technician will provide you with recommendations. Should nothing be found, the auto body shop will inform you that your vehicle is good to go.

You should also know that there is no reason to hold out on a post-repair inspection for fear of additional costs. If the inspector finds that the repairs on your vehicle are substandard, the cost of remedying those issues is not your responsibility. The auto body shop that carried out your post-repair inspection will contact your car insurance provider, who is required to pay for the costs of any corrective repairs that are needed.


Bottom Line

Insurance companies are asking repair shops to do their work faster than ever before, leading to mistakes and substandard quality. Cutting corners and using aftermarket parts won’t return your car to its pre-accident condition. Don’t take a chance. Get your car a post-repair inspection today and get peace of mind.

You can trust Elmer’s Auto Body to do the repairs correctly the first time around and to guarantee our work. We don’t balk under the pressure of insurance companies, and our technicians can verify repairs done by other body shops. At Elmer’s Auto Body, our standards are high, which is why we are the trusted auto body shop in the region.

Request an estimate today. Or, give us a call or fill out the contact form with any questions you have. We’ll be in touch.

Will It Cost More To Repair My Aluminum Vehicle?

Do you know what your car is made out of? Some people will know whether their car is composed of steel or of aluminum, and others will wonder why it even matters. In most cases, you will never have to concern yourself with the kinds of materials that make your car, truck, or SUV. As long as you can drive it around.

The moment you get into an accident, though, you suddenly begin to worry, because what if one type of metal costs more than the other to repair. As long as you have the appropriate insurance, the cost of repair comes down to only two things: your insurance deductible and your rental expenses—if you even need a rental car, that is.

So, if you only have to concern yourself with the deductible, why are so many people up in arms about the cost of repairing an aluminum vehicle? And why does it cost more to repair aluminum anyway?

We’re going to address those concerns and answer other questions related to car repair today.


Why is Aluminum Thought To Be More Expensive?

Aluminum is a remarkable metal. It’s light yet durable, and it has long been the main material for aerospace constructs. Recently, aluminum has become the preferred metal in the automobile industry for its availability.

Not many people thought about how it could affect the cost of construction and repair until 2014, when Ford decided to announce an F150 built entirely from aluminum. When this happened, auto body shops were appalled—and a little dubious. Before 2014, most people considered aluminum construction to be something saved for high-end or exotic car brands.

Most auto body repair shops didn’t want to work with aluminum. Sure, it is a metal, but the properties of aluminum are completely different from steel. That means that the tools used for a steel vehicle are also different from what you need to safely work with aluminum.

Of course, the announcement worried motor vehicle owners everywhere, too. Ford stated outright that aluminum would be expensive to repair.


Case Study on Aluminum Vehicle Repair Costs

In 2015, a test group from decided to do something in the name of science and for the good of the consumer. The editors of Edmunds purchased a 4×4 Super Crew Ford F150 for $52,000 and decided to smash the rear quarter panel with a sledge hammer.

The Edmunds crew doing the dirty work noted that the aluminum panel was surprisingly resilient compared to steel. They were shocked how well the metal absorbed the impact.

Once they inflicted enough damage to the right rear quarter panel, they brought it to a body shop to be repaired. The price of a rear quarter panel for the F150 in 2015 was marked at $967.48. This was the same for both the steel and aluminum versions.

But that’s where the similarities ended. The auto body shop told the Edmunds team that it would cost $120 an hour, which is double the cost of steel body repair, to smooth out the aluminum. It took over 20 hours to complete the repairs, and the final bill was over $4,000. That is over 75 percent higher than fixing a steel body.

However, here is something to consider: the damage inflicted on the truck is not normal. The F150 is a durable truck, and most repairs to the vehicle are non-structural—even those needing repair from collisions.

In other words, while aluminum is harder to repair, it is also harder to damage. Most repairs are for less expensive parts, like plastic bumpers and fenders that are designed to crumple.


Differences Between Steel and Aluminum Construction

After seeing the eye-popping cost of a single repair in the Edmunds’ case study, you might be wondering the reasons why aluminum warrants such a price. As mentioned earlier, aluminum and steel are not the same.

Aftermarket steel parts are easier than aluminum to procure, making steel far more accessible and, therefore, less costly. In most cases, aluminum is strictly OEM. Because of this, aluminum also requires another skill set to repair correctly. Mechanics need a whole new set of tools, too.

You cannot weld aluminum like you can with steel, for instance. This means that auto body technicians need to train to handle both steel and aluminum.

Although many technicians can work with both steel and aluminum cars, those cars cannot be placed side-by-side. Aluminum is corrosive to steel and vice versa, which means that aluminum cars and steel cars have to be separated. Many auto body shops will have a separate space to work on aluminum cars.

All of this adds up in the overall cost.


Should You Be Concerned About the Cost of Aluminum Car Repair?

At the end of the day, the word “cost” is the concern of most drivers, regardless of what kind of car you have. Even though aluminum vehicles need to be placed in separate bays and require special tools and techniques to repair, at the end of the day, it is your insurance policy that determines how much you pay. There is no distinction in auto body insurance that says you have to pay a higher deductible on aluminum cars versus steel ones.

In the end, it is the insurance company covering the high cost of repairing an aluminum car.

Have an aluminum vehicle in need of repairs? Be sure to choose an auto body shop that is certified to deal with both steel and aluminum. Look for certifications from 3M, PPG, and I-CAR. Elmer’s Auto Body has extensive experience dealing with all kinds of automobiles, and our technicians are highly trained and knowledgeable. We promise only the best.

Whether you have more questions about the cost of aluminum auto body repair or want to request an appointment, we’d like to hear from you. Fill out the contact form to get in touch.

Does Your Auto Insurance Cover Engine Fire?

Most people go through life thinking that they will never have to deal with something like a car fire. You’re prepared for things like collisions, theft, and vandalism, but what are the odds of your vehicle literally going up in flames? Believe it or not, one in eight fires that fire departments respond to involve a vehicle fire.

That means you need to consider whether your auto insurance covers engine fire. Not every type of auto insurance coverage will cover fire. Only comprehensive coverage will protect you against the costs of vehicle fire damage, regardless of the cause.

What Is An Engine Fire?

An engine fire is when a fire starts in your vehicle’s engine. The common cause of engine fire is a defect or design flaw. Poor maintenance may also be a culprit. If you let broken parts go or have leaky seals or bad wiring, the chances of a spark igniting a fire increase. For example, a bad gasket increases the likelihood of leaking flammable fluids, and if a frayed wire comes into contact with that liquid, you have a fire.

No one wants to deal with an engine fire, so bring your car in for maintenance and repairs today. Elmer’s Auto Body is one of the best auto body repair shops in New Jersey. We use only OEM parts and employ only certified technicians.

What Coverage Type Pays For Engine Fire?

As we mentioned earlier, the only coverage that protects you against fires is comprehensive car insurance. This is different from collision coverage that only covers damages from striking something, like a car accident. Comprehensive insurance deals with anything beyond the realm of a car collision. Being that it is an optional addition to your required policy, it costs extra and is oftentimes overlooked by many drivers.

The only time you are required to have comprehensive auto insurance is when you are renting or leasing a vehicle.

Another type of insurance you can purchase is called “supplemental fire insurance.” It will cover virtually everything having to do with fire, but you will have to review the specific wording of the policy that you choose. Supplemental insurance is meant to fill in gaps and cover any potential liabilities.

What Kinds of Car Fire Are Covered By Comprehensive Insurance?

Here are three scenarios in which comprehensive car insurance will cover fire damage:

  • There is a wiring defect or mechanical problem that sparks an engine fire
  • The vehicle is stolen and the car thief sets it on fire
  • A housing structure that was on fire causes damages to nearby parked cars or those in the garage

What About Supplemental Fire Insurance?

Some examples of what supplemental insurance covers include:

  • A rental car that is getting repaired or replaced
  • Possessions in the vehicle that were damaged by the fire
  • Additional expenses, like lost workdays during repairs

The Car Engine Fire Resulted in Total Loss—Now What?

If your car is suddenly engulfed in an engine fire, it often results in a total loss, because the fire can spread rapidly and burn at exceedingly high temperatures. The damages sustained may be impossible to repair. In the event that the engine fire resulted in a total loss, your car insurance will pay the cash value of the vehicle (minus the deductible).

You will need to file a claim in order to get the cash value for the ruined vehicle. The process is simple, but there are some things you need to be aware of before you pick up the phone. First, your claim may be investigated as fraudulent. Don’t worry. Because fire claims are a slightly rare occurrence, most insurance companies are hesitant to believe you immediately. However, if there has been no negligence on your part and no fraud, then the claim process will run smoothly afterward.

What About Repairable Damage?

If the insurance company’s adjuster deems your vehicle repairable and not totaled, you’re in luck! The insurance company will give you a payment to meet the cost of repairs after considering deductibles, and your car will be towed to a reputable auto body shop, like Elmer’s Auto Body, where it will be fixed.

Depending on the extent of the damages from the engine fire, the repairs could take a few days or a few weeks. Sometimes, the mechanic will have to order special OEM parts, and it may take a while for the shipment to arrive.

Bottom Line

Comprehensive car insurance and supplement fire insurance both cover engine fires. Be sure to check your policies to see what kind of fire claims are excluded, if any. Knowing you are protected from engine fire-related losses will give you some peace of mind since such events can be truly devastating.

Having the best auto body shop in your area by your side is also important. Elmer’s Auto Body has been in business for many years. We are highly experienced, highly certified, and 100% committed to offering the best repair services for motor vehicles. Whether you need simple maintenance or a large-scale repair, we got your back.

Get in touch with us today. Pick up the phone or fill out the contact form. A representative will get back to you soon.

The Difference Between Aluminum & Steel Auto Body Repair

Ever since automobiles were created, a wide range of body materials have been tried, tested, and favored by manufacturers and drivers alike. For many years, steel has been the material of choice for auto bodies, but now aluminum has taken the spotlight. Sustainable, lightweight, and durable, aluminum is giving steel some serious competition. The only place where aluminum may lose a little ground, however, is in the auto body repair shop.

You may wonder why aluminum and steel are treated so differently by your mechanic. They’re both metals, right? Turns out, the properties of these two common materials are different—which means those differences change the way your car is maintained and repaired, too.

Here’s what you need to know:


Differences Between Aluminum and Steel Repairs

Curious about the dissimilarities between steel and aluminum auto body repair? While both materials are considered metals, they are, in fact, more different than you’d expect.


Parts and Labor

The main difference between steel and aluminum is that steel is still easier to acquire. Aftermarket parts are still mostly available in steel. Meanwhile, aluminum replacements can be difficult to acquire. That is why most aluminum parts end up being OEM parts, while steel repairs are usually done with aftermarket items.

How does this affect labor? Aluminum vehicles require a whole other set of skills. Welding changes. Tools may need to be different, too. There are a few reasons for that that we’ll be explaining in the next sections.


Metal Memory

First, steel has something called “metal memory,” which is kind of like muscle memory but not. This means that, if steel gets dented, you can reshape it back into its original form, thereby reducing the overall cost of repair.

Due to its pliability and lack of metal memory, aluminum is harder to repair once its been dented, meaning you would most likely opt for full replacement instead of repairs. However, there are plenty of skilled technicians who can reshape aluminum parts by hand if need be. Many body shops are also adding aluminum dent pulling tools to their stations.


Aluminum and Steel Won’t Mix

Did you know that steel and aluminum don’t get along? Interestingly, aluminum can corrode steel and vice versa. Though contact corrosion is much more probable with plumbing, the chance of it happening in the automotive realm is there.

For instance, if a mechanic does not know not to use tools that recently touched steel on an aluminum vehicle, they could unknowingly compromise the integrity of your car.

That is why many auto body garages are separating aluminum cars from steel cars and even constructing specialized bays. Even dust from steel can accelerate the breakdown of aluminum.


Responsiveness to Heat

Welding is often a necessary step in auto body repairs and replacement. Steel was traditionally worked with welding, but now aluminum calls for mechanics to change things up a bit. Steel takes longer to heat than aluminum, so those who aren’t used to working with aluminum may end up overheating the metal and damaging it. Because of this risk, many vehicles comprised of aluminum are repaired using alternative methods. For example, there are now specialized rivets and adhesives that combine aluminum joints together.


Costs of Repair

You may have seen our other article about the costs of repairing aluminum cars compared to steel. If you haven’t, here is what you need to know:

You personally do not have to worry about paying more for car repairs. As long as you have car insurance with a reasonable deductible, the price is always going to be the same, no matter what. Moreover, the cost of aluminum repairs will not affect your insurance premium.

Secondly, aluminum body vehicles do not cost more to service, since the parts are designed to be installed quickly and easily. Though aluminum may still be rare, that rarity does not affect labor. Just make sure you have chosen an auto body shop with technicians who are well versed in both steel and aluminum repairs.


Is the Future Made of Aluminum?

Sure, aluminum may require a little more expertise and additional tools of the trade, but it is quickly becoming a popular opponent to steel. The main differences between aluminum and steel is that aluminum is more lightweight and parts are designed for efficiency, whereas steel is heavier and may take longer to repair due to the density of the metal.

Whether you have a steel or aluminum vehicle, don’t wait another day to get the body repaired! The longer you wait, the worse the damage could be. We’re here to help, so submit your request by filling out the contact form. A member of our professional team will be in touch.