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Understanding Insurance “Steering” and How to Protect Your Rights in South Jersey

After getting into a collision and needing repairs, you end up calling your insurance company. The company will send out an appraiser to see how much you need for those repairs. Your insurance company might suggest or even pressure you to use a specific auto body shop. This practice is known as “insurance steering.” While it may seem convenient, it’s important to understand your rights and make informed decisions about where to take your vehicle for repairs.


Key Takeaways


  • Insurance steering occurs when insurers direct customers to specific repair shops, often prioritizing cost over quality.
  • In New Jersey, you have the legal right to choose your own repair shop, regardless of insurer recommendations.
  • If you suspect steering, know your rights, get multiple estimates, and question any incentives offered.
  • Choosing your own shop ensures better control over repair quality, communication, and avoidance of conflicts of interest.


What is Insurance Steering?

Insurance steering occurs when an insurance company directs a policyholder to use a specific auto body shop, often part of the insurer’s “preferred” network. The company may suggest that these shops provide faster service or guarantee the repairs. However, this recommendation may prioritize cost savings for the insurer rather than ensuring the highest quality repair for your vehicle.


Is Insurance Steering Legal?

Insurance steering is merely a suggestion, and therefore, not illegal. However, it is illegal for an insurance provider to force you to choose a specific repair shop. You have the right to select the shop that you trust. Despite this, insurers may still attempt to steer you by providing incentives or spreading misinformation about shops that aren’t in their network.


What Should You Do If You Suspect Insurance Steering?

If you believe your insurance company is pushing you to use a specific shop through suggestions, incentives, or misinformation, it’s essential to be proactive. Insurance steering can impact the quality of your repairs, and understanding your rights can help you avoid unnecessary complications.


Here are some things to do if you suspect insurance steering:


Know Your Rights

Under New Jersey law, you have the right to choose your repair shop—period. Insurance companies may present their “preferred” shops as a convenient or cost-effective option, but they cannot dictate where you take your car. If you feel pressured to select a shop recommended by the insurance company, you are within your rights to refuse.


The insurer may suggest that non-preferred shops could take longer or that their work isn’t guaranteed. Don’t let these claims influence your decision. Preferred shops often have agreements with insurance companies that focus on minimizing costs, sometimes at the expense of quality. Remember, it’s your vehicle, and you deserve to choose a shop that prioritizes your safety and satisfaction.


Question Incentives

Is your insurance company prompting you to choose their preferred shop with incentives, discounts, and extended warranties? This may seem appealing, but you should be wary of hidden compromises. For example, many preferred shops will utilize aftermarket parts rather than original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts, since they cost less.


Before you accept the preferred auto repair shop, ask questions. Learn about the detail of the repairs, which parts are used, and whether the shop works for you or the insurance company.


Get Multiple Estimates

Insurance companies may ask you to get an estimate from their recommended shop, which isn’t inherently wrong. However, it’s always a good idea to gather estimates from multiple repair shops. This allows you to compare services, pricing, and customer reviews. A trusted, independent body shop will often provide a more accurate and honest estimate based on the specific needs of your vehicle.


By having multiple quotes in hand, you can ensure the estimate aligns with the actual damage and repair work required.


Reasons You Should Make Your Own Choice on an Auto Body Repair Shop in NJ

Now that you know more about insurance steering and how to protect yourself, let’s discuss some reasons to choose the auto repair shop.


Control Over Quality

When you choose an auto body repair shop independently, you have greater confidence in the quality of the work being done. You can ensure that original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts are being used instead of cheaper, aftermarket parts that may not meet the same safety and durability standards. This level of control can also ensure that the repairs are thorough and performed to the highest standard, with no shortcuts.


At a trusted, local shop, you can expect personalized service that prioritizes your vehicle’s safety and longevity, unlike some insurer-recommended shops that might prioritize cost-cutting measures.


Direct Communication

When you choose your own repair shop, you can establish direct lines of communication with the mechanics and technicians working on your car. You can ask questions, request updates, and get a clear picture of what’s happening during the repair process. This transparency provides peace of mind and allows you to understand the timeline and quality of repairs.


In contrast, with a shop chosen by your insurer, communication may be more limited. You might have to rely on the insurance company to relay information, which can slow down the process and leave you in the dark about critical details.


Evasion of Potential Conflicts of Interest

As mentioned previously, preferred shops have a tendency to use less expensive materials for repairs due to the deals they make with insurance companies. Furthermore, they may rush repairs to keep the cost of labor down for the insurance provider. This doesn’t help you at all.


By selecting an independent shop, you eliminate the risk of these conflicts of interest. The shop you choose will be focused on your needs, ensuring that your vehicle is restored to its pre-accident condition, without cutting corners.


Contact a South Jersey Collision Repair Shop Today

If you have been in an accident, it is important to know that you have the right to choose the repair shop. Rather than being steered towards the auto repair shop that your insurance provider recommends, it is suggested that you choose one that you prefer. Elmer’s Auto Body of South Jersey is here to help.


Our experienced team works with all insurance companies while prioritizing your vehicle’s safety and quality. You have the right to choose, and we’re ready to provide you with exceptional service.


Contact us today for a free estimate and to learn more about what we can do for you and your vehicle.

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