The Importance Of Proper Frame Damage Repair For The Safety Of Your Vehicle

The Importance Of Proper Frame Damage Repair For The Safety Of Your Vehicle

In many ways, the frame of your vehicle is the most important part. Engines and transmissions are the most expensive parts to replace, but they are still interchangeable components. A frame, on the other hand, isn’t really an interchangeable component. You can’t simply remove the old one and bolt another one in place. If a damaged frame cannot be repaired, the whole car is a loss. Why? Because it simply isn’t safe to drive a vehicle with a damaged frame.


Knowing When Your Frame Has Been Damaged

The frame of your vehicle is not readily visible, so it isn’t always easy to see when those critical struts have been damaged. However, other cases are much more obvious. For instance, if you have been in a head-on collision and the front of the vehicle is crumpled in, you can bet that the frame has been damaged.

One good idea is to look at the vehicle from all angles and see if it has been “twisted” by the impact. If so, the lines and corners won’t be quite right, and that twisting indicates frame damage. You also might be able to detect frame damage when you drive your vehicle. Telltale signs include:

  • Unusual vibrations coming from the wheel area
  • Odd noises and/or vibrations when turning
  • Lack of stability in general
  • In severe cases, the vehicle may lurch to one side, making it hard to stay in your lane.

In the end, though, you won’t usually know for sure until a qualified professional has assessed the vehicle. If you see any of these signs, it is essential that you get the vehicle to a shop immediately. Yes, it’s inconvenient to be without your car for any length of time, but serious injury and death tend to be a lot more inconvenient.


Why Is It Unsafe To Drive A Vehicle With Frame Damage?

If your frame has only sustained minor damage, you might feel that you can ignore the problem and keep driving. This, however, is a very bad idea that could even result in serious injury or death.

Even if you are a careful and competent driver, an accident can happen at any moment. Even if you do everything right, someone else’s carelessness can still cause a collision. That’s why you always wear your seat belts, that’s why you always keep your airbags in good shape, and that’s why you never drive a car with a damaged frame. That frame is like a cage that gives you some protection against the outside world. Think of it this way: Would a smart knight go into battle with weak armor? No, of course not.

In some cases, frame damage may even cause a collision. As we said in the earlier section, frame damage can make it hard to keep your vehicle on a straight course. Obviously, that can cause you to run right into another vehicle through no fault of your own. So, if you’re thinking of driving a car with such issues, don’t do it.


Can Frame Damage Be Repaired?

In many cases, frame damage can indeed be repaired. However, it depends on the full extent of the damage. You should probably know this right away: If the frame damage is bad enough to be visible after the accident, it probably can’t be repaired. However, there are many instances in which a frame just receives a little warping from the impact. That metal can be straightened, but only to a certain point. If you go too far with that straightening, you will weaken the metal significantly. So, you can bend and beat the metal back into place, but only to a certain extent.

The location of the damage also plays a role in this question. There are some parts of a vehicle’s frame that are less essential than others, and some parts can even be replaced. In the end, it comes down to two questions:


Frame Types Also Make A Difference

There are two basic types of vehicle frames: Unibody and body-on-frame. A unibody frame is incorporated with the outer parts of the car (i.e., the “body”). This allows the components of the frame and body to mutually support one another. Most cars will have this type of frame, so this is probably what you have.

Most trucks and larger vehicles, on the other hand, will have a body-on-frame design (also called a ladder frame). In these vehicles, the frame is a separate piece, shaped roughly like a ladder with wheels, to which the body is bolted. In most cases, bolt-on-frame designs are easier and cheaper to repair because they represent an older and simpler design.


No matter what kind of damage you are dealing with, the help of competent professionals will be needed. Frame repair is not the kind of job that you can do at home in the garage, so it pays to trust those who have earned your trust. If you are now asking yourself: “where can I find a trustworthy auto body shop near me?”, then we have the answer. All you need to do is call us at (856) 218-0202.

Unseen Damage Caused By Rear-End Collisions

Unseen Damage Caused By Rear-End Collisions

Most of us have had the experience of being rear-ended in traffic. Since these are usually just minor bumps, people sometimes tend to dismiss these accidents without reporting them. This is especially true if there is no visible damage to either vehicle. However, a lack of visible damage does not rule out the possibility of hidden damage. Not all problems are easy to see, so never just assume that your car is fine after a collision. Let’s talk about the most common types of hidden damage.

1. Frame Damage

This one is obviously the most dangerous possibility. A car with a bent or broken frame is absolutely unsafe to drive. Not only does it provide much less protection against impact, but it can also throw your entire vehicle out of alignment. If you thought it was bad having a wheel or two out of alignment, imagine what happens when the whole car is warped!

When your vehicle has a damaged frame, it might even start swerving to one side. If this happens at the wrong time, it can throw you right into the other lane and right into the path of another vehicle. The worst part of all? You will have no ability to correct the situation. The only thing you can do is throw the steering wheel hard to the opposite side, which may or may not be effective. Needless to say, it’s better to just get the frame repaired or replace the vehicle.

2. Transmission Damage

Many vehicles have their transmission in the rear, or they have transmission components in the rear. Together with the frame and the engine, your transmission is one of the three most important parts of your vehicle. Your transmission uses a series of gears and chains (similar to bicycle chains) to move your car in and out of the various gears. This requires specific timing and adjustment, and a collision can easily throw that timing out of whack.

Also, if any part of the transmission system is damaged, it will likely leak transmission fluid. Without that, your transmission will not work properly and may even be ruined. When you start working all those chains and cogs with no lubrication, all that metal grinding on metal can be disastrous.

3. Hidden Fender Damage

You surely know that all vehicles have front and rear fenders, but think about this: Are they always visible? The answer is no, many modern vehicles have fenders that are hidden by panels of steel or plastic. This is done mainly for cosmetic reasons, but it does have one negative side effect: It is harder to tell when your bumper has been damaged.

A damaged fender is no joke. When a collision occurs, the front or rear fender is usually the first part to take the impact. There’s a reason why they call these things “bumpers.” So, since these chunks of steel are your first line of defense, you need to make sure that they are strong at all times. For this reason, you should always get your vehicle checked out by a certified auto body shop after a collision.

4. Electrical Problems

A minor rear-end collision can also cause problems with your vehicle’s electrical system. There is a complex network of electronic components in every modern vehicle, consisting of wires, relays, fuses, switches, and various other things. If one of these components should become detached, all sorts of problems can occur. Your electrical system powers door locks, tail lights (and all other lights), turn signals, AC, stereo, etc.

The vehicle’s electricity comes from the battery, which is charged by the alternator, which is run by a belt pulley from the engine. Alternators and batteries are usually located in the front of the vehicle, but some designers have put these components in the rear. You’ve probably known at least one person whose car battery was located in the trunk. Even in a minor collision with no visible damage, those electrical components can easily be damaged or detached.

5. Suspension Problems

When we talk about your car’s suspension system, we are mainly talking about the shocks. These are large spring-loaded rods that allow your vehicle to bounce on its wheels to some extent. This makes for a much smoother ride, and it also maximizes the friction between your tires and the road. By suspending all of the vehicle’s weight over the tires, the suspension system puts all that weight and pressure right where it needs to be. This makes your vehicle less likely to slide or slip when driving on wet/icy roads.

Naturally, a rear collision can easily cause damage to the rear wheels. If the suspension system connected to those wheels is damaged, you may not notice the effects until much later. In particular, you will probably notice that kind of damage when you hit a bump in the road or when you drive on wet/icy roads.


After a collision, you need to take action immediately. You’ll want to exchange information with the other driver and with any witnesses, and you’ll need to call the police and your insurance company. Once all that is done, however, your next job will be finding a good body shop in your area. Only a qualified professional can verify that your vehicle is still safe to drive. So, if you’re at that stage, you might be wondering: “Where can I find the best auto body shop near me?” To answer that question, just give us a call at (856) 218-0202.

Auto Body Repair And Insurance: What You Need To Know

Auto Body Repair And Insurance: What You Need To Know

Everyone who ever had to bring their car to an auto body repair shop understands how fast the costs can quickly spiral out of control. You can expect auto body repair to cost anywhere from $75 to $2,500. Luckily, provided you paid for car insurance, the insurance provider will often cover you. You do need to follow the process.


Take Action from the Start

Truthfully, insurance companies won’t always play fair, and you need to take action to make them play fair. Document everything right from the start. Right after the accident happens, assess the damage and snap photos as evidence. Granted, the police will take photos of their own, but you can never supply too much evidence for your case. The documentation will let you fight if you need to.

If you suffered a bad injury, call the ambulance and the police first. While waiting, exchange contact information with the other driver, but don’t worry if they refuse. You can grab this information from the police report. Let’s say that the other driver says that they don’t have car insurance. Tell the appropriate authorities since this isn’t legal in any of the 50 states.


Don’t Put off Medical Examinations

You must receive a medical examination as soon as possible if you think you suffered even a light injury. Don’t put off even a light one because this documentation will help you with insurance claims. If you wait, the other party’s insurance will claim that your injury came from another cause. That will stop you from receiving the most on your claim.

Minimizing Vehicle Depreciation After An Accident

Get the Repair Estimate

At Elmer’s Auto Body, we encounter situations where a customer will send in photos of the damage, or they might request a consultation over the phone. You may want to take this one step further. We encourage our customers to bring their car into the shop. In doing this, we can give them a more accurate and thorough estimate.

When someone sends us a photo, they might miss a key repair that we need to bill them for. For example, we see a common scenario where technicians might look under the vehicle only to discover extensive damage that you didn’t see. That will tack on extra costs to your repair bill. If you already sent the quote to the insurance company, you would need to adjust it.

When we talk about car repairs and auto body work, remember how insurance will calculate with depreciation in mind. In other words, an older car won’t receive the same payment as a newer one. That’s because your insurance company will assume that some parts of the car suffered wear and tear before the accident.

Important to Note: You don’t ever have to accept the quote from an insurance company blindly. In some cases, you would do well to hire a lawyer and fight it. If you think that an insurance company is trying to pay out the least amount possible, explain why you think the costs will be higher. If you can’t settle it that way, hire a lawyer with documentation to fight the case.


The Next Step: Blueprint of the Vehicle

Next, your insurance company will request blueprinting and teardown of the vehicle. During this process, they will tear down the parts to thoroughly examine them and ensure that you don’t require further repairs. The auto body repair shop will create a blueprint to understand the full picture of the car’s condition.


Repair of the Metal and the Frame

After a car accident, auto body technicians first focus on the frame to repair the car back to its condition from the accident. However, it will never return to its original condition and auto body repairs will lower the value. Once they repair the frame, they will work on the metal of the car. They will replace metal panels where needed and use special equipment to bring the car back to its original condition.


How Does the Payment Work?

Most auto body repair shops understand the process well, and they will work directly with your insurance company to repair the vehicle. In some cases, you may need to pay a deductible, but this depends on the terms and conditions of your policy and how much coverage you bought. Most shops will only accept payment after they complete the work. You also want to understand the warranty policy. Solid warranties will cover the workmanship and the refinishing for as long as you own the car.

You Choose the Auto Body Repair Shop

Don’t let an insurance company tell you that you can’t pick your own auto body repair shop. While they may keep a list of preferred repair shops, you can choose whatever auto body repair shop that you prefer. Don’t let them steer you on this because they most likely just want to keep their own expenses as low as possible without regard for your well-being. Choose a quality auto body repair shop.


Final Thoughts

Google, “Auto body repair shop near me,” to check for businesses that could help you with your auto body work. You could also speak with our experts here at Elmer’s Auto Body. We are a family-owned and operated business that has done business in South Jersey for over 70 years. We seek to make auto body service easy, convenient, and fast. Give us a call now at (856) 218-0202.

What To Do When You Get Involved In A Fender Bender Accident

What To Do When You Get Involved In A Fender Bender Accident

It’s time to talk about an unpleasant topic, and that topic is auto accidents. Specifically, we are talking about “fender benders”: Minor collisions that result in minor damage. Despite the name, a fender bender doesn’t necessarily involve fender damage. This term is generally applied to any minor collision between vehicles. So, what should you do if you happen to be involved in one of these? Let’s talk about the most important points.


Step 1: Get All Vehicles To A Safe Position

After the collision has occurred, your first priority is to get both vehicles to a safe position. This will usually mean pulling over to the roadside and waiting for the other driver to do the same. If such an area is not available, use a nearby driveway, a parking lot, or anything else that puts you in a safe location.

If possible, you should get their license plate number before this point, however. Most people will be responsible enough to pull over and exchange information, but some people might get scared and bolt, especially if they were clearly at fault. If necessary, you should direct the other driver to a good place. In most cases, these types of minor accidents will not disable a vehicle, giving you the opportunity to find a good place. The important thing is to get you and the other driver out of traffic where you might be hit again. If you cannot pull off the road, light some road flares around your vehicle.


Step 2: Exchange Information With The Other Driver

After you have removed yourself from immediate danger, you need to exchange information with the other driver. This should include:

  • Names
  • Insurance policy information
  • Telephone numbers
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • License plate numbers
  • Make and model of both vehicles

One little thing to remember at this point: Do not admit fault in any way. If you do, this can later be used against you. Make sure you never admit fault in any way, shape, or form. The question of fault should be decided by qualified investigators, so never automatically assume that you’re at fault and don’t allow the other driver to do so.


Step 3: Analyze And Document The Damage

It is very important to take pictures of both vehicles before even calling the police. If the matter should be disputed by either insurance company, it will be necessary to prove the extent of the damage. Obviously, you should focus your efforts on the areas that have suffered the most damage. Don’t hesitate to take multiple pictures of the same spot from multiple angles. Such pictures will be very valuable to insurance investigators and could prevent you from being held liable. If there are any witnesses involved, this is also the time to talk with them.


Step 4: Call The Police

Now that you have gathered all the necessary information and evidence, it is time to call the police and report the accident. When you’re talking about a fender bender, there is a natural temptation to blow it off and drive away. This should never be done because not all damage is obvious at first. For instance, many modern vehicles have front or rear fenders that are covered by panels. Thus, it may not always be possible to see when they have been bent or dented. You should always report an accident.

As before, make sure that you never admit fault when talking to the officer. Present your account of the incident in a truthful and straightforward manner. When we say “don’t admit fault,” we are not telling you to lie. We are just telling you to stick with the facts. Just tell the officer what happened and let things be decided in the proper way. Before the officer leaves, make sure that you ask for a police report number. This will enable you to get a copy of the accident report from the local police station.


Step 5: Call Your Insurance Company

Don’t assume that your insurance company will be informed about the accident. Either way, it is your responsibility to call them and make a report. The general contact number for your insurance company should be fine, so just call them up and tell them that you need to report an accident. When they connect you to the appropriate person, Simply tell them what happened. They will undoubtedly want to see all of the pictures from the scene of the accident. They will also want the police report number so that they can verify your story. The more information you can give them, the better.



Now that all the legal matters have been handled, it’s time to worry about getting your vehicle fixed. If the damage is very small, you might want to just drive to your preferred repair shop. If it’s a little worse, you’ll need to call a tow truck. Regardless, you will have to ask yourself: “what is the best auto body shop near me?” If you are located in South Jersey, the answer is Elmer’s Auto Body. We have been proudly serving this locality for over 70 years, and we have a well-earned reputation for excellence. If you need help with a fender bender, you can call us at (856) 218-0202.

What Does Car Insurance Total Loss Mean?

What Does Car Insurance Total Loss Mean?

Anyone who experienced a car accident understands what happens when a car gets totaled. In cases where your car was totaled, you can’t repair it without the costs being more than it’s worth. It costs more to repair than the actual value of the car (ACV). Whenever this happens it makes more sense for the insurance company to total the car and give you the money to buy a new car. Just remember that you need either property damage liability or comprehensive or collision insurance on your policy.


When Will an Insurance Company Total the Car?

You see a few cases where the insurance company lists the car as a “total loss.” Not all total losses will be correct, and in some cases, an insurance agent made a mistake. This is where some people will buy salvaged vehicles that were once a total loss. However, this practice comes with risk if you don’t know what you’re doing.

They usually total the car if the damage amount meets the state’s total loss threshold. The total loss threshold speaks about how a damaged car has come close to the actual cash value. For example, if the repairs will cost 75 percent of the total, the insurance agent might choose to total the car. The threshold varies from one state to the next and ranges anywhere from 50 percent to 100 percent. Colorado, for example, is 100 percent, whereas New Jersey is set at 80 percent.

Some states like California don’t use the total loss threshold. Instead, they calculate the total loss with the pre-accident value. This formula uses the repair costs plus the salvage value. It can’t exceed the value of the car.

They will also total the car when the repairs exceed the ACV of the car. Finally, in some cases, you can’t repair the car. Especially if the damage happened to the body of the car, it could make the vehicle unsafe to drive. Damage to the body often costs thousands of dollars to repair. Even if you repair them, these cars have a reputation as unreliable and dangerous.

Google, “auto body shop near me,” and you will see businesses that can help with damage to the body of the vehicle.


What Happens if They Declare Your Car a Total Loss

If an insurance company declares your car a total loss, it means that the cost of repairing the car is more than its current market value. The insurance company will pay you the market value of the car, which is usually the amount you would get if you sold the car in its damaged condition. You will then need to either buy a new car or find a way to repair the car yourself if you want to continue driving it.

First, you must agree to the car as a total loss, but in most cases, car owners don’t have a problem with doing this unless the insurance company hopes to give an unfair settlement. You have a right to reject the amount. Next, you will follow a series of steps to accept the car as a total loss. The faster you do this process, the smoother it will become.

First, remove your license plates and personal valuables from the vehicle. Next, you will take in the key and leave it with the claims adjuster. You need to send in spare keys with them as well. After you do this, the insurance agent will hand you some paperwork to fill out.

Those who lease their cars will need to contact their leasing company. The insurance company will reimburse the leasing company for the ACV of the car. This subtracts the possible deductibles. Anyone who didn’t lease their car will receive a check for the ACV of the car allowing them to buy a new car. In most cases, the insurance company will take control of the vehicle after they declare it as a total loss.


What if the Insurance Settlement is Unfair?

We encourage you to scrutinize your insurance company before you agree to an insurance settlement. In many cases, insurance companies will attempt to settle for the least amount of money possible. You have a right to negotiate or dispute the amount that they wish to give you. Until you accept an offer, you can’t move forward in the process, however.

When you dispute an insurance settlement, you might point out how the insurance adjuster didn’t account for modifications to the car, which makes the value go up.

Note: You must show evidence and documentation that you performed this work. That will prove the car is more valuable than the original offer. In some cases, the insurance company refuses to play fair. For those situations, you can take the case to a lawyer to fight for better compensation. If you have documentation and proof, you have a right to fight an unfair settlement.


How Do They Pay for a Total Loss?

The insurance company will reimburse you for the ACV, which uses the same metric when determining whether a car is a total loss. This metric accounts for the wear and tear and age of the vehicle. Multiple factors will influence how much they pay you. For those who drive leased vehicles, we recommend that they take out a gap insurance policy. This will cover them in the event that the car gets totaled. Otherwise, they could total the car, and they’d still be on the hook for monthly payments.


At Elmer’s Auto Body, we have seen this process play out over and over for over 70 years. We serve the community in South Jersey and have operated as a family-owned business for all of that time. We wish to make your life easier, more convenient, and faster. If you’d like to learn more, please call us at (856) 218-0202.

5 Most Common Causes Of Auto Collisions And How To Avoid Them

5 Most Common Causes Of Auto Collisions And How To Avoid Them

In the United States, car collisions are an unfortunate but common occurrence. American roadways are constantly plagued with minor bumps and crashes caused by a number of reasons. While some accidents may end up being minor, there are some that end up being catastrophic. Obviously, you want to do your best to avoid such events. Knowing the five most common causes of auto collisions and how to avoid them may one day come in handy.


1. Distracted Driving

Ever since the advent of mobile phones and texting, more and more people have fallen sway to distracted driving. Even if you are a conscientious driver, you could be hit by someone who is driving distracted. But what is distracted driving? It involves any of the following actions:

  • Checking your appearance in a mirror
  • Changing radio stations
  • Eating or drinking
  • Texting
  • Looking at someone in the passenger seat
  • Swatting at your children in the backseat
  • Becoming distracted by someone else on the roadway

To avoid distracted driving, it is important to avoid such distractions. Do not drive when you are tired, make use of hands-free cell phone devices like a Bluetooth speaker clip, avoid multitasking, and let passengers navigate for you.


2. Excessive Speeds

Yes, it may be tempting to speed down a highway, especially when you are running late to work, but excessive speeds make your car much harder to control. In the event something unforeseen or unexpected happens, such as a car suddenly switching lanes in front of you or an animal darting across the road, you could lose control. You also may not have enough time to react and brake, which could cause an impact.

Avoiding driving over the speed limit is easy. You just have to slow down. Observe the speed limit and stick within that range. You may even consider utilizing your vehicle’s cruise control to avoid accidentally accelerating during a long drive. Furthermore, if you are speeding because you are behind schedule, consider planning around traffic and leaving for your destination a little earlier.


3. Poor Driving Weather

There are a number of weather conditions that make the roads more dangerous than usual. Wind, rain, fog, snow, ice, hail…it’s all possible. Wind can blow your car sideways or cause debris to gather in the road. Ice and snow can cause skidding and sliding. Even wet conditions make the surface of the road more slick than usual. Unfortunately, you cannot control the weather. It can also be hard to predict what will happen.

What you can do to avoid accidents caused by inclement weather is drive more carefully. Avoid becoming distracted. If possible, go below the speed limit and put distance between yourself and others on the road. Stay away from any clusters of traffic that may force you to slam on the brakes or jerk the steering wheel. Lastly, if the road is extra dangerous, consider pulling over and waiting out the worst of the weather or calling for assistance.


4. Chaos at Intersections

Who hasn’t gotten flustered at a 4-way stop? Intersections, whether they have traffic lights or not, can be harrowing. Sometimes it is not clear who should go first. Then there are instances where people cut in front of you or rush to make a turn. It is not uncommon for people to side-swipe one another, particularly when one person is making a left at the same time another car is trying to make a right into the same lane.

Also, if you live somewhere with a lot of truck traffic, avoid pulling up too far past the line. Give the trucks space to turn and maneuver. Far too many people get the front end of their cars swiped by trailers.

In order to avoid intersection bedlam, it is recommended that you avoid running through yellow lights about to turn red and to always come to a complete stop at 4-ways. Do not do a rolling stop. Use hand signals to others, if need be, to signal your intention.


5. Drunk Driving

Far too many die each year because they or someone else decided to get behind the wheel of a vehicle when intoxicated or impaired. Drunk driving kills people and totals vehicles. Many substances, including alcohol and medications, can make judging speed and distance incredibly difficult. Some people even fall asleep behind the wheel.

Do not consider driving if you plan on drinking or using another substance. Arrange for a designated driver or use Uber or Lyft to get to your location and then bring you home. Stay at a friend’s house and give them your keys. Rest assured, they would rather see you on their couch in the morning than receive a call that you died while driving home from their party.


Get Your Collision Damage Repaired at Elmer’s Auto Body

Now that you are familiar with the top 5 most common causes of auto collisions and how to avoid them, it is time to commit to being a better driver. With more people aware of the danger, the roads may be safer. If you have experienced an auto collision, turn to Elmer’s Auto Body for assistance. Our amazing team of highly trained technicians will get your vehicle back to its undamaged condition. Give us a call today to learn more about our services or to book an appointment at one of our locations.